Mst Shapna Akter

- Mst Shapna Akter, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor
- Computer Science and Engineering Dept., Oakland University
- Room no: 532, Engineering Center, Rochester, MI 48309
- Phone : 248-370-3542
- Email: akter[AT]oakland[DOT]edu

Mst Shapna Akter is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Oakland University. She completed her PhD at the University of West Florida in the Department of Intelligent Systems and Robotics. She holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, graduating with Cum Laude distinction. Her research focuses on quantum networking, quantum ML, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) applications, particularly in the cybersecurity and healthcare domains. Her research has been recognized and published in prestigious international conferences and journals, such as IEEE SERVICES, IEEE CNS, IEEE BigData, IEEE COMPSAC, and Elsevier. She has over 40 publications with 200+ citations on Google Scholar. She has also served as a program committee member and session chair at IEEE BigData, IEEE SERVICES, and IEEE COMPSAC. She is Guest editor on special issues at Journal Electronics and IJAIKE.
My research interests include:
- Quantum Networking
- Quantum ML
- AI Security
- Health Security
- Machine Learning / Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Computer Vision
- 10-21th December 2024: accepted regular papers at ICBBB 2025 Conference, Bangkok, Thiland
- ICCIT 2024 conference paper which got accepted in november 2024.
- 10-21th December 2024: accepted regular papers at IEEE BIGDATA MLBD 2024 Conference, Washington DC, USA
- 10-21th December 2024: accepted regular papers at IEEE BIGDATA MLBD 2024 Conference, Washington DC, USA
- 10-21th December 2024: accepted regular papers at IEEE BIGDATA PSBD 2024 Conference, Washington DC, USA
- 2-5th July 2024: Presented four regular papers at COMPSAC 2024, Osaka, Japan.
- 15th March 2024: Four regular papers accepted at COMPSAC 2024.
- 2-5th March 2024: Delivered a lecture on "Machine Learning for Cybersecurity" at Tuskegee University.
- 14th December 2023: Presented a regular paper at the ICCIT 2023 Conference, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
- 27th October 2023: Two regular papers accepted at the BigData 2023 Conference.
- 22nd September 2023: One regular paper accepted at the ISCAP Conference.
- 3rd August 2023: Received Outstanding PhD Student Research Award.
- 16th July 2023: Delivered a lecture on "Machine Learning for Cybersecurity" workshop at Kennesaw State University.
- 6th July 2023: Presented a regular paper at the IEEE Services 2023 Conference, Chicago, USA.
- 28th June 2023: Presented two regular papers at the COMPSAC 2023 Conference, Turin, Italy.
- 30th May 2023: Delivered a lecture on "Machine Learning for Cybersecurity" webinar.
- 5th May 2023: Passed the PhD qualifying exam at Kennesaw State University.
- 10th April 2023: One regular paper accepted at the IEEE Services 2023 Conference.
- 4th February 2023: One journal paper accepted at PLOS ONE.
- 30th December 2022: Presented a lecture on "Machine Learning for Cybersecurity" webinar.
- 17-20th December 2022: Presented four regular papers at the BigData 2022 Conference, Osaka, Japan.
- 22nd November 2022: Won first place in the Computing Showcase at C-DAY 2022.
- 28th October 2022: Four regular papers accepted at the BigData 2022 Conference.
- 4th October 2022: Presented a regular paper at IEEE CNS 2022, Austin, Texas, USA.
- 16th September 2022: Received NSF Travel Grant (amount of $1200) to present a conference paper.
- 15th September 2022: One journal paper accepted at Future Internet.
- 20th August 2022: One regular paper accepted at IEEE CNS 2022.
- 2021 : One journal paper accepted at Tissue and Cell, Elsevier.